Welcome to Mind Stores

About Us

MIND-Stores is an online e-commerce solution that was launched in 2017, MIND-Stores is an entity that is full owned by MIND for Information Technology & Media which was launched in 2011.
MIND for Information Technology & Media is a group of company that provides a one-stop-shop smart solutions, our success has grown enormously during the last 7 years, providing different solutions for Individuals and Organizations in the field of IT and Media.
For more information about MIND for IT & Media, please visit our website: www.mindholding.net

We have created MIND-Stores to be your online gate for online shopping, starting form Home Furniture, Office Furniture and decoration Accessories and others to be added in the near future.
Our expert team will be happy to provide you with the best prices, the best quality with the best delivery time plus our own warehouses that covers the whole city, will make it easier to deliver what you bought at the right time.

We assure you that you will enjoy your online shopping experience with us

Our Vision

To be the best online shopping solution in Egypt and in the MENA region, providing the best prices, quality and delivery time to our clients.

Our Mission

To make the Online shopping experience easy, credible and fun.